Get a B2B data count and quote

Freshly researched contacts data on over 25 million senior staff in the UK and internationally.
If you are in a hurry, let us know what contacts data you need using the Quick quote below. If you have time to select from the more detailed location, job titles and sector criteria listed below, please use the Detailed quote

Why you should choose B2B contacts:

  • Bespoke, freshly researched contacts list to order
  • Only named individual business emails provided
  • Email addresses checked = 95%+ deliverability
  • Comparable data offers price-matched
  • GDPR/CCPA/LGPD/POPI compliant data
  • Trusted B2B data supplier since 2005
  • “No quibble” guarantee – any issues sorted quickly

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    Detailed quote

    Use this form to give us more information about the job titles, locations and sectors that you are interested in. This will enable us to provide a count and quote that exactly matches your requirements

      10 job disciplines

      United Kingdom


      Private Sector

      Public Sector

      Not-For-Profit Sector


      Clients we have worked with

      We work with organisations and budgets of all sizes across the private, public and not-for-profit sectors globally. Our clients range from start ups and sole traders through to SMEs and global organisations such as: Google, Manpower, Mars, Trinity Mirror, Barclays, The Bank of England, IBIS and Hays.


      What our clients are saying

      Purchasing data is always a minefield – we have used several providers in the past and have struggled to find the quality and accuracy we need.
      The team behind AlertBI’s service are helpful and responsive – they always deliver to our brief and the data they provide is of a very high quality - we always experience a very low bounce rate.
      They are now a trusted and preferred partner.
      We began using Alert BI's division as a source of key contacts data during 2021. From the start, communications have been quick, professional, and easy. Data quality is high and great value for money. Their information covers the USA market brilliantly (we are based in California) and also Europe where we have expansion plans. Highly recommended.
      SR Apprenticeships have had a great experience working with Unlike most other providers, all their contacts data is freshly researched and validated just before it’s sent to clients, so it’s not been sitting on the shelf going stale. Their list of ‘heads of’ roles is extremely comprehensive so we were able to target just the right people, and supplementary advice on marketing campaigns and GDPR is readily available.
      We use Alert most days and are finding lots of fresh information. The Alert team are always on the ball and customer service and support is great too
      “We have experienced a 20-fold return on our investment in Alert’s services and are reaping other ongoing benefits, including enhanced credibility with customers and improved productivity.”
      “Alert saves us valuable time identifying target organisations and complements our sales strategy perfectly.”
      We needed to reach out to senior HR personnel as well as people in job roles to do with learning, emotional health and wellbeing. seemed to be the only company that could provide contacts data that specific, and in the quantity we required.
      Their business advisers are knowledgeable and not pushy salespeople.
      We bought the data, found the quality was high and the service and communications were great. Highly recommended.
      “I whole heartedly recommend Alert Business Intelligence for the best B2B data you can get anywhere – bang up-to-date, accurate, incredibly detailed, precision targeted and very easy to use. Alert’s data and customer service were a revelation.”
      “We discovered via a Google internet search when looking for a HR contacts database. As well as general HR contacts they cover more specialist roles such the HSQE staff we had an interest in. The service and communications were quick and professional and the sample data was good - we purchased a dataset and have been busy communicating with that audience. The information is good. We also valued the advice the team provided about producing email content to maximise its impact, and the guidance about how best to set up and execute campaigns over the critical first three months of campaigning. Highly recommended..”
      About Our Company is a division of Alert Business Intelligence (AlertBI). Data that can be trusted should be at the heart of every business decision. Discover how and Alert BI’s range of other data , insights an.. Read More

      Contact Info

      European Office:

      Alert Business Intelligence 20 - 22 Wenlock Road, London, N1 7GU, United Kingdom

      North American Office:

      Alert Business Intelligence 90 Broad Street, New York NY, United States 10004

      Asian Office:

      Alert Business Intelligence MBFC Tower, 12 Marina Boulevard, Singapore, 018982

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