11 HR job types
How it works
Select the job title key words, region(s) and sector(s) you are interested in and submit the form. (Or request a call.)
We will email you free data samples, a count and a quote.
Depending on your requirements, you can scale up or scale down the number of contacts and place your order accordingly.
We will invoice you in a currency of your choice: pounds sterling, dollars, or your local currency. You can pay via credit card, debit card, bank transfer, or business paypal
We will send you the data once we have rechecked all the contacts and sent a test email to each of them to check on deliverability. This usually takes us around two days.
If you have some specific requirements or queries not covered on this site and/or you would rather discuss your options, contact our in-house data expert, Ray Murphy
Email marketing ROI
The 2021 Direct Marketing Association report on email marketing effectiveness estimated a return on investment of £38 for each £1 invested, and found that this channel is the most used by brands engaging with customers.
To get anywhere near that ROI figure though, every part of campaign needs to be spot on – from messaging to timing, calls to action to landing page/s, frequency of follow ups, who you contact and why.
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What our clients are saying
The team behind AlertBI’s HeadsOf.com service are helpful and responsive – they always deliver to our brief and the data they provide is of a very high quality - we always experience a very low bounce rate.
They are now a trusted and preferred partner.
HeadsOfHR.com seemed to be the only company that could provide contacts data that specific, and in the quantity we required.
Their business advisers are knowledgeable and not pushy salespeople.
We bought the data, found the quality was high and the service and communications were great. Highly recommended.
Clients we have worked with

About Our Company
Contact Info
European Office:
Alert Business Intelligence 20 - 22 Wenlock Road, London, N1 7GU, United Kingdom
North American Office:
Alert Business Intelligence 90 Broad Street, New York NY, United States 10004
Asian Office:
Alert Business Intelligence MBFC Tower, 12 Marina Boulevard, Singapore, 018982
- enquiries@alertbi.com
- Company No - 12141293